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Create new Google Calendar events from Notion database items

Cover Image for Create new Google Calendar events from Notion database items
Sync your Notion meetings database with Google Calendar by automatically creating, updating and deleting events. The template setup assumes you have a Notion database where all your meeting information is stored. Each item (page) on the database is a new meeting and it includes values for all the properties as showcased in this example.
written by Greg Vonf
Greg Vonf

Software used in this automated workflow example

Google Calendar


Sync your Notion meetings database with Google Calendar by automatically creating, updating and deleting events. This template assumes you have a Notion database where all your meeting information is stored. Each item (page) on the database is a new meeting and it includes values for all the properties as showcased in this example.

Detailed explanations

Step by step instructions

  1. Add your Notion account to Make (formerly Integromat)

  2. Create a new scenario

  3. Add the Notion > Watch database trigger

  4. Select your database

  5. Add the Google Calendar > Create an event module

  6. Select the calendar you want to use

  7. Map the fields from Notion to Google Calendar

  8. Add the Google Calendar > Update an event module

  9. Select the calendar you want to use

  10. Map the fields from Notion to Google Calendar

  11. Add the Google Calendar > Delete an event module

  12. Select the calendar you want to use

  13. Map the fields from Notion to Google Calendar

  14. Run the scenario

Business use case example

You have a Notion database that you use to track all your upcoming meetings. You want to be able to see these meetings in Google Calendar so you can easily add them to your schedule. With this scenario, any time a new meeting is added to your Notion database, it will automatically be created as a new event in Google Calendar. If any details of the meeting are updated in Notion, those changes will be reflected in the Google Calendar event. And if the meeting is deleted from Notion, the corresponding event will be deleted from Google Calendar.

Try ready to use workflow template

Create new Google Calendar events from Notion database items with (formerly Integromat)